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How is Avocado good for our skin & how deLadonica has it all wrapped up for you!


How is Avocado good for our skin & how deLadonica has it all wrapped up for you!

how is avocado good for our skin 

Avocado! What a delicious, nutritious vitamin bearing, tasty little pretty green gift from Mother Nature!

Avocado’s brilliant beautiful colours gloriously dress up our plates, salads and smoothies and our skincare too!

These days avocado is just as famous and beneficial in skincare as it is in our salad or on toast!

It is silky and rich and feels absolutely beautiful on our skin.


Vitamins & Benefits

It is nourishing and hydrating and contains lots of vitamins A, B, C, D, E & K. (Riboflavin B2, Niacin B3, Pantothenic Acid B5 & Pyridoxine B6) It is also high in Folate, Magnesium, Potassium.

Avocado absorbs well into the skin and has long lasting efficacy. For these reasons is also a big part of why it works so well in skin and hair care.

It is so beneficial to our skin with plenty of magic tricks up its sleeve to help us inside and out.

Abundant in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and omega-9’s. 

All the while keeping our skin looking radiant and beautiful with a more youthful glow. Mother Nature’s ingredients in skincare like avocado helps keep skin and all the components beneath the skin surface functioning strong and healthy with evident results.

All these also help fight free radicals. If you want to know more about free radicals or kick in a reminder of how they are nasty to us you can read our blog here.

Free radicals causes ageing, contributing to the early wrinkles on our face by introducing fine lines and wrinkles.

There are many benefits from all these nutrients and the list of benefits is long but here is a few to mention.

They help boost collagen production which in turn is generating strong healthy skin cell blocks.

You may already know that as we age, our body slows down as does our collagen production. So we need to continually boost it and help it along.

In turn to this the avocado smooths and diminishes fine lines and wrinkles.

It is regenerating and rejuvenating, soothes inflammation and is repairing and healing to our skin and hair.

Avocado provides moisture for the skin, therefore is hydrating, which helps in anti-ageing, dryness, flakiness even psoriasis and eczema.

These are all things the skin loves and thrives on and helps in the anti-ageing process.


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This is what deLadonica is all about! Anti-ageing!

This is how we want to help and provide for you!

By putting the best into ourselves! To be our best beautiful self!

So we are looking radiant and glowing!

And we want to provide the best information and products in the anti-ageing process for you!


Wrinkles & Dead Skin

Avocado is one of those wonderful ingredients that cleverly sloughs away dead skin cells from our skin surface. This is such a major step in skincare and anti-ageing routines.

Dead skin cells on our skin surface, causes blockages, blackheads, acne, infection and wrinkles.

Dead skin on the skin surface can also imitate and just appear to look like ageing skin and wrinkles.

Don’t forget about the scalp which is the base for healthy hair.

As we have already mentioned how avocado is good for the skin in repairing and healing and providing vitamins and nutrients, all this flows onto the hair shaft as well.

Avocado is hydrating. Having dry skin is a sure fire way to age quicker. Think of your skin as a plant. If you don’t water your plant, how does it look? Dehydrated, sagging, browning and sad. Water your plant and see the branches, fronds and leaves all stand up and watch it green up and have healthy soil and is then capable to flower! Your skin behaves on the same sort of basis. Hydrate is and watch it flourish!



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Avocado is one of the few ingredients that can actually penetrate into the hair shaft to hydrate, heal and repair and seal cuticle cells.

That right! That is almost all that needs to be said about avocado oil and hair. As you read above how good it is for the skin, this includes our scalp.

Avocado Oil helps smooth the hair and makes it pretty and shiny! It helps condition and detangle and all those wonderful amazing vitamins and minerals helps prevent breakage.

Because avocado is hydrating and sloughs away dead skin cells and all the other skin benefits we have mentioned, this helps with those prone to dandruff.

Psoriasis and eczema can occur on the scalp as well as anywhere else on the body, so avocado oil can be a healer here as well.

Dandruff can also be caused by dead skin laying on the scalp or dryness and irritation. Of course there are many other reasons too like stress or using the wrong shampoo or not washing the scalp often enough.


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Eating Avocado

You’ve all heard the saying ‘you are what you eat.’

What you put into your mouth certainly participates and reflects on how we look on the outside.

For example eat too much sugar you will most certainly have pimple outbreaks and a larger waistline. In fact you will be most likely to put on weight all over your entire body, not just your waistline.

Eat foods that are good for you and contain healthy vitamins and minerals and antioxidants this will reflect in your skin and hair too.

A poor diet can absolutely reflect on your hair, like dull lifeless hair, breakage, split ends and slower growth.

Eating avocado as well as topically on your scalp and hair can help promote stronger healthier hair. You are what you eat!

Avocado is most definitely one of the top delicious foods that can deliver amazing health benefits!

It is good for your metabolism and helps you to have healthy radiant skin and hair. Unlike the sugar, avocado fights off acne and bacteria. Remember avocado is an antioxidant which fights free radicals.

Including avocado in your daily diet is definitely a big plus! But beware eat too much you could start to put weight on.

Avocado is something that a doctor may recommend to a cancer patient. Suggesting eating as much as they possibly can to help put weight on, as well as absorbing all those sensational vitamins and minerals the avocado has to offer.

A good rule of thumb could be no more than half an avocado a day for a person eating 3-6 meals a day balanced with protein, carbs and greens etc.

Avocado is also abundant in lauric acid which also has many favourable benefits just to name a couple it can help with viral infections and flu’s.


best avocado salad dish 


more deLadonica 

deLadonica has been sure to include avocado in our products for us to receive and benefit from its amazing potential.

You can find it in…

Milky Feet:  Milky feet is hydration and moisturizing for our hands and feet. Taking full advantage of the sloughing of dead skin cells from the properties of the avocado and the other magnificent ingredients included. All deLadonica products focus to include ingredients that fight free radicals. And we include multiple ingredients in each product that slough, since it is so necessary for anti-ageing and healthy skin. It’s not just for your hands and feet, Milky Feet has a list of top shelf ingredients in it that provide so many healing and nourishing benefits. Milky Feet also promotes collagen production and skin cell regeneration. Has a long lasting effect great for use before bedtime. Start getting it into your feet before winter gets here to prepare for the winter cracked heels.

Our hot tip here: Bamboo socks is kinder on your skin than other fabrics and is best to prevent cracked heels throughout winter.



Amazing Hair Mask Serum: We mentioned earlier how amazing and caring avocado is for the hair and scalp. It is certainly included in our hair mask along with other top shelf ingredients that are so amazing for hair and scalp care, like Coconut and Pomegranate and Jojoba.

Avocado was selected as a key ingredient in our hair mask serum because it penetrates so well into the hair shaft, not just sit on top. This gives you beautiful and healthy looking hair as well as smooth and shiny. And is one of the best ingredients for keeping your scalp healthy. Having healthy hair starts at a healthy scalp. The avocado also helps heal the hair shaft making it stronger against hair breakage. This also improves hair loss and malting from the scalp including for men, even elderly ones. Some even say they see less greys once they start using the Amazing Hair Mask Serum.



Body Oil: deLadonica’s Body Oil should be called Goddess Oil. It gives such beautiful glowing radiant skin and heals many skin issues like rashes and dryness, bumpy skin, rough elbows, itching and the list goes on. Avocado again was chosen for many reasons we have already pointed out but one of the things I love about it is its magic worked. If you’ve ever wondered about free radicals and wondered are these ingredients all really working and protecting us. When it comes to our Body Oil, the evidence of this may be found on the toilet seat. If you’ve ever found traces of grey on your toilet seat, looks a bit like dirt and oil mixed together. This could most likely be the ingredients from a product you are using that is leaching toxins out from your body. Seemingly from the product or Body Oil sucking out toxins and impurities and bringing them to the surface of the skin. This type of evidence is not visible on our clothes but a white plastic toilet seat will certainly show you! If you are doubtful, try it yourself and you may see. After showering rub our Body Oil all over your legs and thighs or whole body and give it a little time.


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Coming Soon to deLadonica: we have a Green Clay Mask power packed with powerful green ingredients such as Avocado, Green Tea, Matcha Tea, Spirulina & Peppermint. It works absolutely beautifully smoothing and deep cleaning the skin and working its magic in anti-ageing. Along with that will be some other clay masks that we can’t wait to bring to you!


We hope you have enjoyed reading our blog. As we always say deLadonica specifically chooses a purpose of a product when we create. We want a product to achieve necessary desirable results to care for our skin and take control of ageing and slow and reverse it as much as possible. We like to make our products effective, long lasting and with wow factor!
Then we specifically select the best and finest ingredients that are heroes at performing exactly that.
We feel avocado has so many wonderful benefits, we wanted to point them out to you. This is another thing we do here at deLadonica, we like to help those interested in a little education. It helps you know more about what you are putting on your skin and why!
So, thank you Mother Nature for bringing us the avocado!

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